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Welcome to STEM Starter!

Welcome to STEM Starter! We are so glad to be home!

STEM Starter has been a labor of love for the last two years and we are thrilled to finally bring the efforts of our hard work and dedication to you and your family. We realize this year may feel as though there have been very few ups and too many downs; but we hope to change some of that for you, today - specifically in STEM Education. If you and your family are experiencing some educational chaos due to COVID -19 – we get it and please know that we have great compassion for your current situation. We also understand that we can hover in disbelief over the current situation for only a split second and then we must move on and just find another way to accomplish the goal of educating our children to the best of our abilities.

Two years ago, our founder, Shannon Brindle was inspired by a college honors learning project to bring STEM Education to under-served populations within her community. She had no idea then that her little nugget of an idea to bring sustainable, affordable, grassroots, STEM Education into the home would blossom into a field of possibility during a pandemic. Yet, here we are grasping at risk, embracing chance, and walking beside opportunity. STEM Starter is becoming an American Dream engineered right before our eyes and we couldn’t be happier.

At STEM Starter, we believe two of our finest qualities as Americans are our compassion and adaptability – particularly during a disaster. We have no doubt that whether we are in the turbulence of uncertainty or the tranquility of understanding - Americans will always rise, will always succeed and will always be better. We have heard before that with great crisis comes great opportunity and that is what we hope STEM Starter is for you, an opportunity within a crisis. We have no doubt that you, and your family will succeed regardless of STEM Starter – we’re simply hoping to ease the turbulence to make room for the tranquility.

God Bless and STEM on!

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