We can only imagine that you might have a lot of questions and concerns about your child's education and please know that we understand and hope that we can help. Hopefully the experiments, resources and this blog are ways that we can assist you with your efforts to incorporate STEM Ed into your weekly educational routine.
For right now STEM Starter offers the following:
WE PROVIDE: STEM experiments that do not require fancy equipment or expensive purchases. In fact, the goal of STEM Starter is to utilize common everyday household items to demonstrate the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math that already exists around you.
WE PROVIDE: FREE Seasonal STEM Experiments and our first round of experiments is "STEM @ The Bus Stop." There are four experiments that focus on each STEM subject. We will release additional seasonal experiments in the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Who knows... we may even throw in a couple of Holiday STEM activities just for fun!
WE PROVIDE: The STEM Starter monthly planning calendar to assist you in providing STEM Ed for your family. This calendar is simply an informative guide that demonstrates how you might choose to breakdown a STEM Experiment as well as incorporate additional fun activities.
WE PROVIDE: Additional resources such as: This Month in STEM History; The Roots of STEM which focuses on heroes in the STEM fields; Our Favorite STEM Books; This Blog and, our first e-book will be available for purchase in September. This is a book of 52 STEM Experiments that allows you to provide STEM education throughout the year.
WE PROVIDE: General Blog Posts: These will highlight special STEM events, holidays or discoveries that you feel are worthwhile to share with your family. These posts are meant to be fun and educational so you can incorporate them easily into a weekly schedule.
WE PROVIDE: STEM Fair Blog Tutorial: These posts appear every Friday - with the exception of special events or holidays. The STEM Fair Tutorial postings breakdown and highlight the process of how to prepare an experiment for a STEM Fair. These weekly postings begin on August 21st and appear every Friday at 9am. We anticipate at least 30 postings with the last edition appearing around April 2021.
WE DON'T: Have any membership fees; you are not required to sign up or become a member; you are not required to purchase a box of STEM equipment; we don't flood you with emails - all we do is just provide STEM Ed via this website and the e-book. If you want to contact us - Great we would love to hear from you; but you don't have to sign up or sign in to access great STEM ed.
We hope this information helps and you enjoy reading the postings as much as we did creating them! You might be Charting a New Course for your child's education - but know this... you are not alone.
God Bless and STEM on!